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Oliver Twist ——王静老师的校本课程
文章来源:原创  作者:kc  发布时间:【2019/6/24 15:17:40】  文章录入:GLX  浏览: 2756 次

校本课程 雾都孤儿赏析Oliver Twist

                                                  高一英语 王静

  教学设计:  这节课是对英国文学名著《雾都孤儿》的赏析课,也是对课本教材的拓展。目的在于通过对这部著作的大体介绍,激发起学生阅读的兴趣,引领学生从小说发生的背景和小说中的人物,情节三个方面阅读名著;同时节选了小说中的句子,帮助学生欣赏英语的语言魅力。

  Teaching aims:

1. Learn something about the Charles Dickens and the novel’s background.

2. Learn something about the plots and characters in the novel.

3. Appreciate the novel’s language.

4. Teach students how to be grateful and strong.

Teaching procedures:

 Step 1: Brief introduction of Charles Dickens and his works.

Author: Charles Dickens created some of the world’s most memorable fictional characters and he is one of the greatest critical realists in the Victorian Age. And he is the main representative of English critical realism in the 19th century.

His works:




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Step 2: The General idea and the theme

        His works are intended to expose and criticize all the poverty, injustice, hypocrisy and corruption of the 19th-- centuryEngland, particularlyLondon.


Step 3: The analysis of characters

     Match the adjectives that describe personalities with the characters

Oliver Twist          noble                    

Fagin               innocent

Nancy               knowledgeable

Mr. Brownlow        cruel

Mr. Bumble          criminal

Monks               evil


Step 4: Extract 佳句赏析

      Read the following sentences and translate it into Chinese.

      (1) “Good-bye dear! God bless you!”’ …Dick told Oliver on his way toLondon, which warmed

Oliver’s heart and gave him courage.


            (2)And so Oliver was left with only the drunk nurse. Without clothes, under his first blanket, he could have been the child of a 

king or a beggar.



(3)But when the woman dressed him later in rough cotton clothes, yellow with age, he looked exactly what he was ---an orphan in a workhouse, ready for a life of misery, hunger, and neglect.



(4) She was brought here last night,” replied the old woman. “She was found lying in the street. She’d walked some

distance, judging by her shoes,which were worn to piece. Where she came from,where she was going to, or what her name was, nobody knows.”



Step 5: Discussion

       What have we learnt from this novel? (gratitude, strong will)

Step 6: Homework

 Write a book review of Oliver Twist.

(brief introduction, the type of the novel, the plot of the novel, the characters of the novel, recommendation)

The answer: 1.“再见,亲爱的!上帝保佑你!”……迪克跟奥利弗去伦敦的路上,这温暖奥利弗的心,给了他勇气。

 2. 奥利弗就这样被留下了,由那位醉醺醺的看护一个人看着。他光着身子,裹在毕生第一块毯子里,既可以是国王的儿子,也可以是乞丐的儿子。

3. 可后来老妇人给他穿上了由于年头太久而发了黄的粗棉布衣服,这时,他看上去和他的身份完全一致了——一个济贫院的孤儿,准备好了去过一种充满


4. “她是昨天夜里被送到这儿来的。”老妇人回答道。“她倒在马路上,被人发现了。她脚上那双鞋子已经磨得破破烂烂的了,由此可以看出她是从很远的地方来的。她从哪儿来,要到哪儿去,叫什么名字, 没人知道。”


critical realist:批判现实主义者

critical realism:批判现实主义






corruption: 腐败









上一篇:《平凡的世界》男性人物形象——张运强老师的校本课程 下一篇:哈克贝利费恩历险记介绍——乙晓燕老师的校本课程
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