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The Call of the Wild Chapter 3——李悦老师的校本课程
文章来源:原创  作者:kc  发布时间:【2020-11-26 8:40:58】  文章录入:GLX  浏览: 3868 次


                     The Call of the Wild (野性的呼唤)

I 作品主要内容:


IIteaching procedures:

Step one:  前情提要

《野性的呼唤》故事情节非常简单,但却蕴含着丰富的哲理。无论是语言还 是内容,都值得我们细细品味。 通过第一章 To the north”、第二章 The law of club and tooth”,我们了解到“Buck”从在南方主人的家中过着无忧无虑的生活,到被拐卖到寒冷、偏远的北方,成了一只拉雪橇的犬。在此过程中它目睹了人与人、狗与狗之间的争斗,为了生存,它学会了“弱肉强食” 的处世原则、以及“survival of the fittest”的生存法则。在强烈的生存欲望的驱使和森林狼群的呼唤下,它变得凶悍、机智、野性萌发。今天让我们一起走进《野性的呼唤》第三章:The wild animal

Step two: 章节概括

在本章中,由于艰辛的旅途生活,以及Spitz的一再挑衅,Buck身上的原始野性渐渐复苏了。一天傍晚, Buck挖了洞,准备夜晚睡在里面。但当它吃完食物回去时,却发现洞被Spitz侵占了。它们扭打成一团。这时,意外的事情发生了。四五十只饥饿的爱斯基摩狗开始偷食食物。众雪橇狗奋力迎战。Spitz趁机偷袭了Buck,梁子深结。

    他们继续前行。一天,Dolly 突患狂犬病,对Buck追逐撕咬。Francois 用斧头砍死了DollySpitz又准备偷袭Buck,但被Francois鞭笞退回。Buck 开始公然地向Spitz挑战。

Step three:  深度思考

1.In this section of the novel, Buck comes into his own. When we first met Buck, at the Judge's home, he is benign and mild-mannered, lacking in any real character. As Buck's wildness grows, he reveals his character to the reader. What is his character in this chapter?

He is sneaky, careful and intelligent. He desires dominance(统治), but he knows how to get it at the right moment very well. Buck not only instinctively sees means for survival, he takes advantage of his understanding of the other dogs and their human leaders.

2. In this chapter, Jack London subtly(巧妙地) establishes the readers'  preference (偏爱) for Buck. How?

When Spitz and Buck first fight, but are interrupted (打断) by the attack of other dogs, Buck immediately shifts his focus(转移注意力). For him,the survival of the team must take priority over(优先于) his personal struggle with Spitz. Spitz reveals(揭露) a fundamental(根本的) weakness when he attacks Buck. Spitz becomes a threat to the team because he puts his own desires above the team's need. London subtly establishes the reader's preference for Buck.

Step four:语言赏析

(1) Each character's story is told with vivid language, which effectively carries their personalities from the page.

Dave and Sol-leks stood side by side, covered in blood, fighting bravely. Joe and Pike jumped on one dog, and Pike broke its neck with one bite. Buck caught another dog by the neck and tasted blood. Buck threw himself on the next one, and then felt teeth in his own neck. It was Spitz, attacking him from the side. (Para. 6)

(2) There are many actions and environments described in the chapter, which not only foil (烘托)the atmosphere, but also suggest(暗示)  the characters' psychology and the development of the plot.

1. The time had come, and Buck knew that either he or Spitz must die. They watched one another, circling slowly. The moon was shining brightly on the snow, and in the cold still air not a leaf moved on the trees. The other dogs finished eating the rabbit and then turned to watch. (Para. 23)

2. Spitz was a good fighter. He was full of hate and anger, but he was also intelligent. Every time Buck tried to bite his throat, he met Spitz's own teeth. Then, each time Buck attacked, Spitz moved and bit him on the side as he passed. After a few minutes, Buck was covered in blood. He attacked again, but this time turned at the last minute and went under Spitz, biting his left front leg. The bone broke, and Spitz was standing on three legs. Buck tried to knock Spitz down, and then repeated his earlier attack and broke Spitz's right front leg. (Para. 24)

3. There was no hope for Spitz now. Buck got ready for his final attack, while the circle of sixty dogs watched, and crowded nearer and nearer, waiting for the end. At last Buck jumped, in and out, and Spitz went down in the snow. A second later the waiting pack was on top of him, and Spitz had disappeared. Buck stood and watched. The wild animal had made its kill. (Para.25)


上一篇:生物中的爱之美——叶玲敏老师的校本课程 下一篇:艺体处学科动态:公开课研讨(李霞)
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