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The old man and the sea——许亚楠老师的校本课程
文章来源:原创  作者:kc  发布时间:【2021-4-1 8:47:24】  文章录入:GLX  浏览: 2906 次


     Teaching Plan and Self-reflection

Step 1  Number the paragraphs from 1 to 91.

  • P10    Para 1—Para 10

  • P11    Para 11—Para 22

  • P12    Para 23—Para 27

  • P13    Para 28–- Para 36

  • P14    Para 37—Para 44

  • P15    Para 45—Para 51

  • P16    Para 52—Para 58

  • P17    Para 59—Para 71

  • P18    Para 72—Para 83

  • P19    Para 84—Para 91

    Step 2 Underline the descriptions about the Time.

  • Para 21: the moon was below the hills

  • Para 23: in the dark the old man could feel the morning coming

  • Para 25: as it started to be light

  • Para 27: before it was really light

  • Para 29: it was quite light and any moment now the sun would rise

  • Para 30: the sun rose thinly from the sea

  • Para 30: then the sun was brighter and the glare came on the water and then, as it rose clear

  • Para 31: the sun was two hours higher now

  • Para 42: now that the sun was higher

  • Para 58: the sun was hot now

  • Para 89: There are two more hours before the sun sets.

  • Para 90: It was cold after the sun went down.

    Step 3 Pay attention to the Turning Points.

    **Para 21: He began to row out of the harbor in the dark.

       (Para 42+Para 53 Albacore +Para 57)

    ** Para 60:He saw one of the projecting green sticks dip sharply.

    ** Para 91:Not as long as he keeps this up.

    Step 4 To explain some parts where symbolism is used.

    I. The little boy.

    II. The lion.

    III. The old man.

    IV. The ocean.

    Step 5 “Iceberg Theory”


    Step 6 Self-reflection






上一篇:人生智慧之香菱学诗——马少东老师的校本课程 下一篇:红楼梦金陵十二钗判词及解读——赵婷老师的校本课程
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